Forestry visit
27th June 2022
It’s not every day we get to head out off the beaten track in the Rai Valley area. Here we are watching Jake and his crew from J&T Contracting as they systematically stepped through their Health and Safety briefing before thinning trees on the Kokorua block.
As part of the reform of vocational education (ROVE) #Silviculture crews have been piloting a new mentoring programme alongside the #JNCTN platform to issue credentials to trainees and mentors. Portability of qualifications, assessments, licenses and site inductions is a must for these mobile crews.
Thanks for the pre-dawn pick up Michael Bruce and a big shout out to OneFortyOne for hosting us.
#TePūkenga #Silviculture #MPI #MukaTangata #RayonairMatariki#forestmanagement #healthandsafety #mentoring #education#CredentialManagement