Microsoft case study on JNCTN
14th November 2022
Proud moment for the #JNCTN team today, Microsoft have released a case study on some of our work we have been doing here in #Aotearoa.
As a company born and based right here, we love that we can not only help our own country but also showcase the ingenuity of #NZTech globally.
Having partners like Microsoft behind us means we can accelerate in to new markets with our proven use cases.
So thank you for believing in us and backing our solutions.
Vanessa Sorenson Hayley Horan Ellie Greenly Russell Craig Brandon Murdoch Sneha Chow Ankur Patel Matt Bostwick
Jarrod Bowler Trevor Loader Greg McBain Trish Allen Steve Wells Steven Slothouwer Glenn Mathewson Mark Green Jane Cummings Peter LitchfieldJames Allardyce CMIOSH, CMgr John Skudder Mat Bayliss
Aaron Toatelegese Shayne Gray Suzanne Stew Robert Pigou
Rob Borgers Richard Berridge Wayne Stemp
#verifiablecredentials #digitalidentity #saas #healthandsafety#digitaltransformation #tech